Writing an LLM from scratch, part 6 -- starting to code self-attention

Posted on 21 January 2025 in Programming, Python, AI, LLM from scratch

This is the sixth in my series of notes on Sebastian Raschka's book "Build a Large Language Model (from Scratch)". Each time I read part of it, I'm posting about what I found interesting as a way to help get things straight in my own head -- and perhaps to help anyone else that is working through it too. This post covers just one subsection of the trickiest chapter in the book -- subsection 3.3.1, "A simple self-attention mechanism without trainable weights". I feel that there's enough in there to make up a post on its own. For me, it certainly gave me one key intuition that I think is a critical part of how everything fits together.

As always, there may be errors in my understanding below -- I've cross-checked and run the whole post through Claude, ChatGPT o1, and DeepSeek r1, so I'm reasonably confident, but caveat lector :-) With all that said, let's go!

In my last two posts, I've spent a lot of time trying to get a solid, intuitive understanding of what self-attention mechanisms are for, and what they mean in an abstract sense. They're the core concept in the implementation of LLMs (using Rashcka's specific meaning of transformers-based decoder-only language models, specifically GPTs), so this felt like an important foundation to get exactly right. This chapter is where things start to get a bit more concrete.

Let's start with a summary at the abstract level, though. Using my normal simplification that words == tokens, an LLM is a model that, given some input text, works out what the next word should be. In order to do this, it considers all of the words in the input text. Attention is a system that tells it, when looking at word x in the input, how much it should also take into account each of the other words in that input -- that is, how much attention it should pay to each other word.

So, for the sentence

The fat cat sat on the mat

...when the LLM is considering "cat", it needs to focus on the first "the" (because it's a specific cat, not "a cat" -- sorry, Slavic language speakers, that is important ;-), "sat" because that is the verb that the cat is doing, "fat" because it applies to the cat, and perhaps to a lesser extent "on", "the", and "mat". Likewise, if the LLM is looking at "sat", then it's likely that "cat" and "mat" are the important bits as the subject and indirect objects of the verb, with the other words playing lesser parts.

You can imagine building up for each word in the sentence a list of numbers -- one for each other token. Here's an example of what that might look like, based on my own intuition about the importance of each word to the others in that sentence:

Token ω("The") ω("fat") ω("cat") ω("sat") ω("on") ω("the") ω("mat")
The 1 0.3 0.75 0.1 0 0 0
fat 0.2 1 0.8 0 0 0 0
cat 0.6 0.8 1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.4
sat 0.1 0 0.85 1 0.3 0.2 0.75
on 0 0.1 0.4 0.6 1 0.3 0.8
the 0 0 0 0 0.1 1 0.75
mat 0 0 0.2 0.8 0.7 0.6 1

To unpack that -- each row in the table is a word in the sentence, and the numbers in that row are how much attention one might want to pay to the other words when trying to understand it. I've used a number from 0 ("you can ignore it") to 1 ("this is super-important"). But you can see that I've tried to represent the relative importance that I gave above for "cat" and "sat" numerically, and then done likewise for the other words. Note that each word is most attentive to itself, which makes intuitive sense to me :-)

Now, the cool thing is that this is exactly what attention mechanisms do. The reason I (slightly ab-)used the symbol ω to represent these numbers is because it's a symbol used to represent attention scores. When considering a particular token in the input sequence, the attention mechanism assigns every other token an attention score. This is then used to work out what to do with it.

Attention is all about building up data like this so that neural networks can understand language enough to be able to predict the next token when given something to start with. So we really have two questions:

The answer to the second one of those is actually the easiest, and Raschka explains that in this section -- this is the big "aha" moment for me in this post. We want to create, for each token, something called a context vector.

So far, our LLM has received a bunch of text, and has

Now, for our token "cat" we have, at this stage, a token embedding that represents "cat" (and is probably similar to the embedding for "kitten", not too dissimilar to the embedding for "dog", and very different to the embedding for "rain"). We also have an input embedding that essentially says "this is the third word in the input". These two combined are the input embedding, and the purpose of the context vector is to produce a something numerical that represents "cat" in the context of all of the other words in the sentence, which not only needs to represent the token and its position but also the information from those other words.

So while the input embedding for "cat" just means "cat in position 3", the context vector for "cat" in this sentence also has some kind of overtones about it being a cat that is sitting, perhaps less strongly that it's a specific cat ("the" rather than "a"), and hints of it being sitting on a mat. Back at the start of the chapter, Raschka said that the attention mechanisms don't really understand the concept of ordering, so we need to pack in enough meaning here that that is also unimportant (rather like the endless declensions in Latin, I guess).

By contrast, the context for the first "The" would just be pretty much representing that it's the definite article and might also have some cattishness about it, and maybe a spot of fatness. And so on for the context vectors for all of the other words. As I understand it, it's the context vector that the next-token-prediction layer will care about -- not the word embedding. Which makes sense, it doesn't care about cats in general, it cares about this specific one in this sentence.

If you've read further on in the chapter you'll have noticed I'm playing a bit fast and loose in the above, because I'm not considering causal attention. But I think that's worth doing as an aid to intuition, at least my own, at this stage.

That means that the attention part of our LLM is basically a black box that takes in input embeddings, and for each token spits out a context vector that represents the token's meaning in the context of this particular input sequence, including those parts of the meaning that come from its position. (Multi-head attention, introduced later, will build on this a bit more.)

To me the context vector feels a little bit like the hidden states that were used to transfer meaning from the encoder to the decoder in those original translation systems that I was writing about in my last post in this series; perhaps that's how people got from there to where we are now. It's essentially something like an embedding for this token in this context.

So, given a set of attention scores for a particular token -- one for each token in the input -- how do we go about getting this context vector for the token we're considering?

Well, for "cat" we want something that includes sitting, some hint of the mat, and so on, and we have these attention scores that relate how strongly the word "cat" is related to each other token. And each of those other tokens has an input embedding that is meant to represent its meaning and position. So we could do a pretty simple bit of maths to get something that represents them all taken together -- we just multiply all of the input embeddings by their respective attention weights and add them together! So to get the context vector for "cat" given this part of the attention score matrix above:

Token ω("The") ω("fat") ω("cat") ω("sat") ω("on") ω("the") ω("mat")
cat 0.6 0.8 1 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.4

We'd calculate 0.6 times the input embedding for "The", 0.8 times the input embedding for "fat", 1 times the input embedding for "cat", and so on, then add them all up. That might give us our context embedding for "cat" in this sentence.

And that is pretty much what happens! That, to me, is beautifully simple.

There's only one extra wrinkle, which seems entirely reasonable -- the numbers I showed above would be called attention scores, and before multiplying the input embeddings for all of the tokens in the input sequence by their associated score, we convert them into attention weights, which are essentially the same numbers but normalised so that all of the weights for a given token sum up to 1 -- this is done by running them through the Softmax function. This apparently works well with extreme values and turns negative numbers into small positive ones, both of which seem like good things (especially the second -- paying a negative amount of attention to one word when trying to understand another doesn't make any intuitive sense).

So, for each token -- or rather the input embedding for each token -- we work out a vector of attention scores, which is the length of the full input sequence and for each item in the sequence, says how much attention to pay to it. We then run that vector through softmax to normalise it into attention weights, multiply each input embedding in the input sequence by its attention weight, and add together the results element-wise to get the context vector for the token we're considering.

Maybe it's worth sketching out some pseudocode to make this as clear as possible. Given a sequence of input embeddings (which, remember, are the token embeddings plus the position embeddings) called inputs, we can imagine it's doing this:

output_context_vectors = []
for input_embedding in inputs:
    attention_scores = get_attention_scores(input_embedding, inputs)
    attention_weights = softmax(attention_scores)
    context_vector = an empty vector of the same size as the input embeddings
    for (other_input_embedding, attention_weight) in zip(inputs, attention_weights):
        context_vector += attention_weight * other_input_embedding

Now, obviously this would not be the right way to implement it (all of that iterating over lists inside iterations over lists can be simplified into matrix multiplications). And of course, the get_attention_scores is magic -- and the next big thing to understand. But I think that pseudocode gives, at least for me, a clear idea of what is going on when building up a context vector given a vector of attention scores for each input token (or more strictly, its input embedding).

That's pretty magical :-) But how do we get the attention scores in the first place? Or more accurately, how do we train something to do that? In this section, Raschka keeps things super-simple. As he says in the section title, this is a "simple self-attention mechanism without trainable weights". So instead of trying to write a real get_attention_scores, he just uses the dot product of the input embeddings to generate a placeholder one. The dot product takes two vectors and returns a scalar, so that means that the attention scores for "cat" in position 3 is a vector made up of:

Now, the dot product for vectors is worked out by multiplying their elements individually and then adding up the results -- that is,

[1, 2, 3] . [4, 5, 6]
-> [1 * 4, 2 * 5, 3 * 6]
=  [4, 10, 18]
-> 4 + 10 + 18
= 32

This is a non-crazy "toy" calculation to work out attention scores, because the dot product of two vectors is related to how similar they are in terms of their direction in the vector space (though they apparently should be normalised in some way for this).

But it's not what we want for a real attention mechanism -- for example, in

The fat cat sat on the mat

...if we ignore case, the two "the"s would be super-closely related to each other -- the position component of their input embeddings would be different, but the token component would be identical -- so they would have a really high attention score, probably much higher than any of the other pairs of words apart from each word's score against itself. There's almost nothing in there about the meaning of the sentence or how words relate to each other grammatically in this context. But it's a great starting point so that we can start implementing things before actually coding a real system for generating attention scores. And I'm pretty sure that the real attention score system will be using dot product somewhere, given their ability to say whether two things are similar -- it will just be a part of a larger mechanism.

I'm going to wrap up there. The next section is working at a more implementational level -- given this simple dot-product way of working out the attention, how do we in practice calculate the context vectors for an input sequence in PyTorch, using matrix and other tensor operations -- so that everything can be done as a batch without complex loops like in my pseudocode above. That can be the topic for my next post.

[Update: the original version of this post had an error -- I was only considering token embeddings as an input to the attention mechanism rather than thinking in terms of input embeddings. The text above has been revised to fix that. More details here.]